Tough decisions…

It was not easy, but for various reasons and circumstances we have been forced to make a major decision: we are not going to sail back to Europe ourselves. Instead, we will have the boat transported on a freighter from the Caribbean to Europe (around mid-May from Antigua to Southhampton to be precise). We fly… Continue reading Tough decisions…

Suriname…. Grenada with Carriacou…… and now St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Yes, and now Sant Vincent and the Grenadines. The 1st is the largest island and is the most northerly. The Grenadines are a number of small islands of which we will visit Union Island, Mayreau, the Tobago Cays, Canouan and Bequia before going to Saint Vincent. The islands are close to each other, so we… Continue reading Suriname…. Grenada with Carriacou…… and now St. Vincent and the Grenadines